The general terms and conditions (hereafter GTC) govern the contractual relationship between the interculturas Academy and the client.

(A.) General Provisions

I.    Contracting Parties

1.    Contracting Parties

    Within the context of these general terms and conditions, the contracting parties are the interculturas Academy and the client.

2.    Age of Consent

    Only persons over the age of consent shall be accepted as clients. For minors, the contract may only be concluded if a legal guardian assents.

II.    Purpose of the Contractual Relationship

1.    The purpose and components of the contractual relationship between the interculturas Academy and the client result from these GTC, particularly the eligibility requirements (B.).

2.    The prices published for the individual services must be paid in order to utilise said services.

III.    Conclusion of the Contract

Unless there exists a special regulation in the eligibility conditions (C.) or a special agreement with the interculturas Academy, the contract is concluded via the Academy accepting the client’s registration. The receipt showing reception of the fee for the course also functions as confirmation of registration.

The interculturas Academy reserves the right to annul this offer upon completion of the contract where there are significant grounds to do so in individual cases.

IV.    Duties and Obligations of Client

1.    Data

    The client is responsible for entering their data correctly. This data is required for the execution of the contract and/or use of the services. Changes to this data are to be reported to us immediately by the client.

2.    Content

    Where “content” is referred to subsequently, it shall be taken to mean all data, images, graphics, audio and video files or other information which the interculturas Academy may have access to in fulfilling its contract with its clients.

2.1    Calling Up Content

    The following regulations apply to content which is provided by the interculturas Academy, provided that no conflicting other regulations are apparent in the eligibility conditions (B.) or special agreements.

    It is prohibited to edit, duplicate, distribute or publish the contents or parts thereof, to use them for advertising purposes or otherwise utilise them outside the contractually agreed purpose in any form, unless the prior express agreement of the interculturas Academy has been obtained.

V.    Complaints

    Without prejudice to liability for defects which the interculturas Academy bears, the client is requested to notify any complaint regarding the service to the interculturas Academy without delay, and where possible within 14 days of the grounds for complaint being brought to their attention. If this deadline is exceeded, this has no effect on the claim for defects for the interculturas Academy.

VI.    Liability

1.    Client

    The client is personally and directly liable for the infringement of rights of third parties which the client may carry out. In the event that the claim of the third party against the client is justified, the client is obliged to release the interculturas Academy from liability, unless the client proves that they are not responsible for the breach of duty resulting in damages.

2.    The interculturas Academy

2.1.    Liability for Defects

    In line with the legal provisisons, the interculturas Academy shall be held liable for defects in the event of a lawful complaint-

2.2    Compensation for Damages

    In line with the legal provisions, the interculturas Academy shall be held liable for compensation for damages.

VII.    Data Protection

1.    Personal data shall only be collected, processed and used for the purposes of preparation of services, unless separate additional consent has been provided. For additional data, separate new consent shall be obtained.

2.    The data will be saved within the remit of the legal regulations.

3.    The interculturas Academy guarantees, in the event that data need to be processed for the mission in hand, that these data shall be protected with the same level of protection as that for personal data, as stated in Paragraph (A.) VII. 1.

VIII.    Payment Obligations

1.    Payment Methods

    The client may make their payment via bank transfer or in cash.

1.1    Unless otherwise stated in the specific regulations in the eligibility conditions (B.) or special agreements, the full fee for the course shall be paid upon registration.

IX.    Changes to Prices and Services

1.    The interculturas Academy reserves the right to alter the contents of these terms and conditions for eligibility (B.) or special agreements, insofar as this is reasonable for the client.

2.    The interculturas Academy also reserves the right to alter the current valid payment for services provided. The prices are published on the website and on leaflets.

3.    Lastly, the interculturas Academy reserves the right to cancel planned courses and/or change event dates and places for the course shortly before the course begins, if such action is rendered necessary for economic or planning reasons. Clients who have already registered have the right to change their course and/or to withdraw from the contract with the interculturas Academy in this instance. The client shall not be charged any fees as a result of this.

X.     Revocation/Withdrawal/Cancellation

1.    Revocation

If the client is a consumer under the terms of § 13 of the BGB [German Civil Code], then the client has the right to revocation in accordance with § 355 of the BGB. According to this, the client shall be free from the obligations relating to their registration for the course if the bildungsakademie interculturas receives his deregistration up to friday before the start of the course for which he had registered.

1.2    The revocation can be completed informally (orally or in writing) and does not have to contain reasons for the revocation.

1.3    The revocation is to be directed to:
    interculturas e.V. / Bildungsakademie interculturas
    c/o AStA der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Studierendenhaus Raum 017, z.Hd. Frau Meinzer
    Universitätsstraße 150
    44780 Bochum, Germany

1.4.    Consequences of Revocation

    In the event that the registration is successfully revoked, the interculturas Academy shall refund the full amount of the course fees to the client.

2.    Withdrawal

    The regulations concerning withdrawal in the eligibility conditions (B.) and special agreements shall apply.

3.    Right to Extraordinary Termination

    Both parties have the right to invoke extraordinary termination of the contract, should significant grounds for doing so arise.

XI.     Invalidity of Individual Provisions

    If the provisions in these terms and conditions are wholly or partly unimplementable or legally ineffective or later become wholly or partly legally ineffective or unimplementable, then the validity of the rest of the provisions shall remain unaffected. An appropriate regulation should replace the ineffective or unimplementable provisions. This regulation should correspond as closely as possible to the intentions of the provision, inasmuch as is possible.

(B.) Eligibility Conditions (Course Registration)

I.    Purpose

    The client’s registration for a German course at the interculturas Academy represents an offer of a contract to the interculturas Academy, via the conclusion of a service provision contract. Provided that a place is free for the client, the client shall be accepted onto the selected language course following the reception of course fees and checking of the established requirements for participation in accordance with (B.) II.2
    Confirmation of registration will be delivered to the client.

II    Registration

1.    Course Fees

    The full fee for the course is due upon registration. The client has no right to a place on the selected language course prior to the payment of this fee.

2.    Requirements for Participation

2.1.    No specific knowledge is required to participate in the A1 level language courses, other than knowledge of the Latin alphabet.

2.2.    To participate in higher level language courses (A2 to C1), the client is required to pass a compulsory entry test, unless the client can provide relevant proof that they have successfully taken part in a previous language course at the interculturas Academy. The dates for the entry test are published on the website and on leaflets. The participation fee for the entry test amounts to 5.00 Euros.

3.    Withdrawal
3.1.    The participant can withdraw from the language course at any time up until the beginning of the course. A declaration that the client is withdrawing must have be received by the interculturas Academy by this point in time. The declaration of withdrawal can be given orally.

3.2.    If the participant withdraws from a language course after the deadline for withdrawal has passed, the course fees shall not be refunded.

3.3.    The client may, at any point in time, re-register for another course group, as long as there are spaces for that language course and the requirements for participation are fulfilled. Re-registration can be done orally and is free of charge.

(C.) Prices

1.    Course Fees

The prices published on the website and on the leaflets are valid.

2.    Tariff Classification

2.1.    Full tariff

The full tariff shall be paid by all those participating in courses.

(D.) Company Information

Interculturas e.V. [Registered Association] / interculturas Academy

Building and delivery address:

c/o AStA der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
44780 Bochum, Germany
Tel.:  +49 151-25864406 (only during opening hours)

Authorized Representative:

Marta Mayer, Director of the interculturas Academy

the client shall be free from the obligations relating to their registration for the course if the bildungsakademie interculturas receives his deregistration up to friday before the start of the course for which he had registered.